The Struggle Productions

A2 Media Blog

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Evaluation – Point 4

Q: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Here is a video of me explaining the different technologies I used in my A2 media coursework.

ps. sorry the video ended so abruptly but I started to talk about irrelevant stuff at the end.


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Evaluation – Point 3

Audience Feedback


Above is feedback from friends as school, not really constructive feedback but it is all positive so that good.

Below is feedback from more school friends. Billy and Joseph gave good constructive feedback. Billy talked about how the lip syncing could have been done a bit better. Joseph commented on the letter boxing and said that he preferred it without it.  main main2 mum

Above is feedback from family friends. Matias commented about the atmosphere that was created within the music video. I am personally very happy with the atmosphere that I created and was something I was striving for throughout the production of the video.

Below is some analytical data from YouTube.

The video has done quite well on YouTube an has received positive comments and a good view count (YouTube only counts views of people who are signed in now). 6 people added it to there favorites which is always a good sign and it has received 27 likes so far with only 2 dislikes. For the demographics most of my views have come from America, which is then followed by the UK and Germany. 88% of the views have been from YouTube directly where as only 9.9% have been from embedded views from other websites such as WordPress. The video also gained me 2 subscribers which shows that the video is good enough for people want to see more.  Yt1 Yt2

Below is the comments that I received from the video on YouTube. They are all positive which is good.


I also posted the view on Reddit, however it got no comments, but it did get 1o up-votes which is nice.

reditBelow is an email from a school friend. He says that he enjoyed the camera angles and the colour scheme.

emailBelow is anther email from a school friend. This was probably the bets most in depth feedback that I received. He says the he liked my creative style of the shallow depth of field and the juxtaposition of the bars scenes. However he also criticised  how their was a lack of typography and this could have made it better.

email topBelow is a Audience feedback video that I made

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Digipak Advert – Point 5

Here is my Audience feedback on my mock album advert.

advert feedback

Most people liked, their positive points where:

  • It kept similar themes going thought my Music video and my Digipak including      the text and colour scheme.
  • It describes the dement of my of John from my music video.
  • eye-catching

Things to improve on:

  • Add a logo such as a “Available Itunes” logo to make it conform with other media “Real” media types.


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Digipak Advert – Point 4

Here is a mock up of my Digipak Advert

advert1I used
the same font as I used in my Digipak it keep the continuity and synergy the
same. I also used the same colour palette as my digipak to keep the dark/grey
theme going. I did magically manage to find some time so I did make the
dispersion effect, instead of putting John’s and Ben’s head together. Another
reason why I did the dispersion effect is that the other idea with the half
Johns head and half Ben’s head just looked so strange not appealing to an